
Today's Fresh Fish


Salmon live along the coasts of both the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and have also been introduced into the Great Lakes of North America.  Salmon are intensively produced in aquaculture in many parts of the world.  Classified as an "oily fish", salmon is considered to be very healthy due to the fish's high protein, high omega-3 fatty acids, and high vitamin D content. Salmon is also a source of cholesterol, with a range of 23-214 mg/100g depending on the species.  Salmon has traditionally been an important source of DHA and EPA, which are important for brain function and structure.


The striped bass is our state fish as well as Rhode Island and South Carolina and the state saltwater fish of New York, Virginia, and New Hampshire.  They are also found in Canada.  Rockfish is well-loved by chefs, who appreciate its mild texture, delicate flavor and incredible adaptability.


Catfish have been widely caught and farmed for food for hundreds of years in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. The most commonly eaten species in the United States are the channel catfish and blue catfish, both of which are common in the wild and increasingly widely farmed.  Catfish is high in Vitamin D and contains moderate levels of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Most commonly breaded and fried.


Haddock is a very popular food fish, sold fresh, smoked, frozen, dried, or to a small extent canned.  Haddock is an excellent source of dietary protein.  It also contains a good deal of vitamin B12, pyridoxine, and selenium, and a healthy balance of sodium and potassium, with very little fat.  Fresh haddock has a clean white flesh and can be cooked in the same ways as cod.


Cod is another very popular fish.  It has a very low fat content and is a dense, flaky white fish.  The Northeast Arctic Cod, which is traditionally fished when approaching the coast during spawning, are sometimes called skrei.


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